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APAA (APA-HiP) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to APA-HiP are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please make your check payable to APA-HiP and mail to: APAA, P.O. Box 10503, Rochester, New York 14610.

Or, click on the "Donate" button below to make a donation via Paypal, or other major credit cards ($10.00 is the minimum online donation).

Please consider what APAA means to you and make a gift to support our work.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can make a difference in our community.



2013 was an exciting year as APAA celebrated ten years of storytelling of the Asian experience in the Rochester Area. Building on APAA’s reputation for creating landmark exhibitions, we are so proud to roll out an impressive public exhibit, “See Us Now … Greater Rochester’s Asian-American Community” which premiered at Rochester City Hall’s Link Gallery on December 10, 2013 and displayed through January 27, 2014. This contemporary collection highlights prominent local Asian artists, musicians, film-makers, pioneers, innovators and entrepreneurs who have made tremendous contributions to our communities and society at large. 

By percentage, Asians have become the largest stream of new immigrants to Rochester, and APAA is in a unique position to help illuminate their stories. We hope to focus on developing learning opportunities and partnerships with local educational institutions, businesses and community entities. By listening to the voices of real people, students will hear how the Asians' sense of identity in America is evolving. Learners will appreciate valuable lessons about the importance of life goals and diversity, while exploring Asian heritage. Your generous support pays tribute to those who have built our community and will also allow APAA to continue our mission to share their legacy for generations to come.This will help ensure the sacrifices, hard work, the vision and hopes of our Rochester immigrant forebearers are never forgotten.